What kind of developing society??
If mental health is unvoiced??
Why, we never understand??
What's behind a depressed mind??
There is a pain, there is fear,
behind every over thinking mind.
Adversity of the past
is never left behind..
There is a struggle to rise,
Which fails everytime.
While happiness learns to
Stays in disguise.
Suppressed emotions
And forgotten smiles...
There's a need of a Dialogue..
To keep any self alive..
Mind isn't a rival..
It's a mysterious guile..
Understand it, control it..
Before it slowly takes down your life..
There isn't any cure of depression
Unless you understand
A failure is a positive expression.
Which teaches you the way of life.
I personally feel mental health shouldn't be a business
It's the struggle of living lives.
Dialogue is needed to make things right.