The Thoughts & The Reasons
What are thoughts??
Where do they come from??
Are they natural,
or can they be controlled??
Do we really control our thoughts??
or are they controlled by the mind???
Is there any supernatural power controlling our thoughts,
or are we just the slaves of naive minds??
We worry we overthink...
Some thoughts come naturally...
not able to control self...
We wonder why we are thinking.
We blame the actions...
We blame the reactions...
We blame the so-called god or nature...
Yet we don't blame the thoughts in our minds...
Being a human...
We have the capability,
to think, to control the mind...
yet we are controlled by faiths and beliefs...
Thoughts are nothing but natural reactions...
perceived by the senses, processed in the mind...
call it action, reaction or emotion...
with the thought; everything starts and everything ends.
We deny understanding the natural process...
and deny understanding the science...
Without looking into our own self...
We find the reasons outside...
Thoughts are of two types...
One that comes naturally...
And other with the purpose...
what we call thinking...
Learn to observe the nature and reaction of thought...
Learn to analyze...
Practice right-thinking, with proper reasoning...
That is only the way to control the thought...
To control the mind.
When you learn to control the thought...
You control the emotions...
You control the actions, reactions...
You control your behavior...
You control your body and your mind...
'Everything happens for a reason.'
Is a belief stuck in our mind...
The reason may be natural, or there can be science...
Neither a miracle nor fate...
Neither nature nor supernatural being
responsible for your thought...for your mind...